Billing: Past Due Notices

Providers now have the ability to send their clients automated past due notices if they choose. Standard billing and collection procedures are not changing. This is an option for providers who choose to use, providers are NOT Required to send billing notices.

Access the form letters via Provider Tools > Billing

30-Day Notice – Sample

Hello Client Name,

We understand how confusing and stressful medical billing can be. Our goal is to provide simplicity and transparency in our billing processes. We are contacting you today to alert you that your account is 30-Days past due in the amount of Amount Due.

You can view open invoices in your Client Portal and easily make payment from there. You can also download invoices to submit for reimbursement from your HSA or FSA account. If you would like to establish a weekly payment plan, kindly reply to this message with the amount you will pay weekly. Please note that payments are processed every Thursday to the credit card on file. For payment plans we can only accept Mastercard, Visa or America Express. HSA/FSA cards are not eligible.

Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have questions about the balance due you can get answers to most frequently asked questions at Any questions about insurance copayments or deductibles should be directed to your insurance company.


Progress Counseling Group

60-Day Notice Sample

Hello Client Name,

We understand how confusing and stressful medical billing can be. Our goal is to provide simplicity and transparency in our billing processes. We are contacting you today to alert you that your account is 60-Days past due in the amount of Amount Due.

You can view open invoices in your Client Portal and easily make payment from there. You can also download invoices to submit for reimbursement from your HSA or FSA account. If you would like to establish a weekly payment plan, kindly reply to this message with the amount you will pay weekly. Please note that payments are processed every Thursday to the credit card on file. For payment plans we can only accept Mastercard, Visa or America Express. HSA/FSA cards are not eligible.

Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have questions about the balance due you can get answers to most frequently asked questions at Any questions about insurance copayments or deductibles should be directed to your insurance company.

Please be advised that balances past due 90 days or more are referred to collections.


Progress Counseling Group

Final Notice – Sample

Hello Client Name,

We understand how confusing and stressful medical billing can be. Our goal is to provide simplicity and transparency in our billing processes. We are contacting you today to alert you that your account is almost 90-Days past due in the amount of Amount Due.

You can view open invoices in your Client Portal and easily make payment from there. You can also download invoices to submit for reimbursement from your HSA or FSA account. If you would like to establish a weekly payment plan, kindly reply to this message with the amount you will pay weekly. Please note that payments are processed every Thursday to the credit card on file. For payment plans we can only accept Mastercard, Visa or America Express. HSA/FSA cards are not eligible.

Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have questions about the balance due you can get answers to most frequently asked questions at Any questions about insurance copayments or deductibles should be directed to your insurance company.

Please be advised that if the past due balance is not paid prior to 90 days your account will be referred for further collections.


Progress Counseling Group